November 10, 2005 6:31am (EDT) - Titusville, Florida - Air Mobile HQ - Report submitted by Joe Hurston
The reports this morning concerning Pakistan are dreadful. Now, the threat of rain falling on the entire affected areas. This is a bad combination, it's like throwing gasoline on a fire! THEY NEED CLEAN WATER!
Thu Nov 10, 2:10 AM ET
MUZAFFARABAD, Pakistan (AFP) - United Nations officials have warned that widespread rain in Pakistan's quake zone could be disastrous for their struggle to contain an outbreak of acute diarrhoea in squalid tent camps.
There have been at least 200 cases and possibly as many as 750 at one camp for homeless quake survivors in Pakistani Kashmir, amid fears that it could be cholera, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF said.
She added that there were more than 30 camps throughout Muzaffarabad, all of which could be affected and most of which lack adequate sanitation and water supplies.
"If there is rain it will escalate the situation," she told AFP. "The hygiene situation is terrible in the camp, there is open defecation, kids are playing around -- it is quite a mess."
Air Mobile is on STAND-BY to depart immediately with 50 Vortex Voyagers TM(150 Voyagers TM would follow in short-order). The only thing holding us back is funding. To date, we have presented this project to the Rotary Club in Houston and Pakistan, various Pakistan Government Agencies, mulitple Pakistan Business Groups, the office of U.S. Congressman Tom Feeney, the President of the Unitied States, George W. Bush and you, who read this report.
Having been there (ground-zero in Pakistan) last week, we know first-hand how the Vortex Voyager TM can save lives IMMEDIATELY! The portable unit (20 pounds - briefcase size) sets up in 3 minutes and can draw from even the very diarrhoea infected water and purify it to rehydrate very ill patients - THUS SAVING LIVES! We can place these units in the infected tent-cities and in the most isolated regions of Pakistan (via helicopters). We can train the villagers on the operation and use flexible solar panels to power the units. Remember, we have aleady done this successfully last week! Our Air Mobile team strategically placed 6 Voyagers TM and the immediate response was: "WE NEED 200 VOYAGERS TM IMMEDIATELY, BEFORE THE WINTER SETS IN". Now, today, they are dealing with the outbreak of water-borne diseases and rain!
NEVER have I seen such a perfect fit of technology to overcome life threatening situations. Please pardon my passion as I write. Let me give an example. If you saw someone in a burning house and you had a way to get them out to safety wouldn't you do everything in your power to do it? That's exactly what we are going through right now. That is why we even appealed to President Bush. By the way, at the very moment that we were making our appeal to him yesterday afternoon (11-09-05 at 1:50pm edt), he was making a speech encouraging Americans to give toward the relief effort in Pakistan due to the urgency of the situation!
We are at the point where we are praying for a MIRACLE! We simply need to get over there and start placing these 200 units in the most infected and isolated locations. The Pakistan Officials have offered us air-support to place these units in the "Hot Spots".
Again, we thank you for taking the time to read this report. PLEASE pray that we are successful in this LIFE-SAVING MISSION!
Joe Hurston
President - Air Mobile
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