Home from Pakistan! Happy New Year!
December 31, 2005 - 8:11pm (EDT)- Saturday - Cocoa, Florida - Report submitted by Joe Hurston
As I count down the hours to midnight, looking back on 2005 brings so many thoughts of exotic and strange places, disasters and victories, some quite small, others, significant. Tsunami's, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes.... It's been quite a year!
It's great to be home. After the long flight back, this mission to Pakistan is completed, but the challenge goes on to bring clean water and the Love of God to those who are in need. Our Lord opened so many doors on this last journey to Pakistan. We stand by for the opportunity to return to the earthquake zone with more aid for the suffering. Thank you for standing with us and always, for your love and prayer. I'll update this report as developments in Pakistan occur.
Air Mobile is currently preparing for our next trip to Haiti to bring in more Vortex Voyagers TM. We will not publish our travel itenerary as kidnappings are a huge problem there.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! We pray our Lord's richest blessings upon each of you. God Bless You and thanks again for reading our report. Never hesitate to contact us if we can be of service or answer any questions you might have.
Joe Hurston
President - Air Mobile Ministries
Please continue reading the reports below for the in-depth picture of our latest mission to Pakistan. Please believe with us for at least 1000 Vortex Voyagers TM to be deployed into Pakistan immediately. The report below gives an EYEWITNESS account of the disaster area. PLEASE READ ON! God Bless You!
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