Monday, October 24, 2005

Wilma Slamming Florida! We're experiencing her at Air Mobile HQ!

October 24, 2005 - 10:24am (EST) - Titusville, FL - Air Mobile HQ - Report submitted by Joe Hurston

The eye of Hurricane Wilma is just exiting the East Coast of Florida near West Palm Beach as I write this report. We are a bit north of the track, yet there have been multiple tornados in our immediate area. Winds and rain are gusting in excess of 60 mph.

We have staff building Vortex Voyagers TM at this hour. I want to thank our faithful staff for braving the storm to come and help us prepare Vortex Voyagers TM for these disasters! The photo below was taken moments ago.

Of course, the Vortex Voyagers TM that we are building will be deployed as needed! We have our motorhome ready to go anywhere in the state of Florida if needed. Wilma came ashore as a level 3 Hurricane with 125mph winds. That is a strong hurricane, but....this is not Florida's "first rodeo"!

Florida is prepared! Governor Bush and the State, County and Local governments in coordination with FEMA are right on top of this storm!! We are so thankful that Hurricane Wilma, though a very strong storm, decreased from THE STRONGEST ATLANTIC STORM IN RECORDED HISTORY! The "dust" will be settling within the next few hours and we will see just what the situation will be. Air Mobile stands ready to go wherever we can be of assistance!

I was just on the phone with Dan Carpenter of WORLD IN NEED (WIN). He checked to see how we were faring through Hurricane Wilma, also, what our Pakistan plans are. Read our 10-22-05 report for more about WIN and Dan Carpenter.

Just after the call from Dan Carpenter, John Canada also with WIN arrived to pick-up a Vortex Voyager TM. John, in conjunction with Trinity Assembly of God in Orlando, FL just raised the funds for a Vortex Voyager TM. John has a vision to be ready ANYTIME, ANYWHERE to help those in need. What a joy presenting the Vortex Voyager TM for this man of God with a heart to serve!!

Christian, my son and I were just speaking about our upcoming flight to Haiti. Tropical Storm Alpha just tore right through Haiti. We don't if there have been additional fatalities in Haiti. At any rate, Air Mobile is going back to Haiti within the next two weeks.

In the meantime, we're hunkered down riding out Wilma! Please remember us in prayer. We'll attempt to get another report out this evening after Wilma has moved through Florida and passed abeam us here in Titusville. God Bless!!

Joe Hurston
President - Air Mobile